Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Winter Dreaming

I'm finally feeling halfway human again after the cold from hell knocked out most of last week.  Clearly Mike is next to fall...but in the meantime, I'm thinking about aquaponics.

You see, we had set up a little aquarium, hoping to overwinter the pond plants and keep the cat drinking lots of water at the same time.

It was working great for watering the cat, but the plants didn't do so well.  Apparently a noxious weed in Florida can't even manage to conquer one little Canadian fishtank.  After a couple of months the water hyacinth was a soggy rotting mess.

I'm now planning to redo the whole thing as a baby aquaponic system, which I can probably do with parts around the house.  It has to have some sort of open flowing water though, or the cat won't drink...so I'm thinking I can pipe the water up and have it flow into a little funnel, then disperse through the growing medium and back into the tank, where maybe I can grow one Tilapia for months until I eat it?  There's not much gardening to do outside, so we have to dream where we can here.

Out in the garden I've put the tomato bed to sleep under a blanket of horse manure from the local riding stable.  The New Zealand Spinach finally gave it up to the cold in November after growing faster than we could eat it for the whole warm season. 

The lettuce and mesclun are still hanging on for now.  They aren't growing, but they aren't dying.  Hopefully next year I'll have a cold frame set up for winter kale.  Never really had to think about that before!


  1. Cool idea. We did something similar to that in my high school biology class, and (as I recall) it lived on for years. I am always looking for more ways to bring greenery/life into the dull days of winter. This is intriguing, though I'm sure one of my kids would knock it over or dump their toys into it...

  2. Thanks! So far the cat hasn't destroyed it or knocked anything over, but he has splashed a bunch of water on the floor...
